Use either
- HTTP authentication with your existing credentials. Basic and digest accepted. Will not work if 2-factor is required.
- Token + IP-filter via HTTP header X-Account-Token. The token is created from my.klikk.com portal. Works with 2-factor.
Permissions given to the user account is used.
In addition when using token authentication; the token is only valid for the customer profile it was created under.
Order request
"action": "order_create"
,"items": [
"name": "My testserver 1"
, "product":
"name": "VPS"
, "options":
"quantity_ram_gb": 0.5
, "quantity_cpu": 9
, "quantity_storage_gb": 25
, "os": "Debian"
, "os_version": "10.4"
, "antiaffinity": "optional number"
, "firewall_id": "optional firewall group id to become a member of"
, "firewall_addme": "1" (add ip-address of server to firewall group)
, "features":
"ipv4": 1
, "sshd":
, "authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa ......"
, "ip_allow": "fec0:aaa:1:2::ff," (required)
, "public_ports_allow": "80,443,12000:12010"
, "cloud_init_url": "https://example.com/cloud-init?id=3987438&key=casoiujm3uhjumh"
, "reference": "Optional order reference"
Return data is HTTP 2xx JSON with created order id. HTTP response codes other than 2xx is an error
If your profile do not have enough credit, you might get a response asking for payment. The invoice is already created if so.
Antiaffiniy - if another VPS have the same number, the order cannot be placed on the same host as the existing VPS
Firewall_id - add the VPS as a member of this firewall group
Order response example
{"order_id": 73, "status": 200, "message": "Order is being processed"}
Order status
"action": "order_status"
,"order_id": NNNN
Order status response example
"order_id": 73
, "status": 200
, "message": "Order is being processed"
, "order_items": [
"id": 1293
, "status": 200
, "name": "VPS"
, "reference":"My testserver 1"
, "message": "Order is being processed"
Order list
Lists all orders
"action": "order_list"
Order cancel
Cancel the entire order
"action": "order_cancel"
Cancel an item of the order
"action": "order_cancel"
The order items will not be renewed and will be cancelled after end period.
Response is an empty 200 OK, or 404 not found for not found.
Server list
Lists all servers
"action": "server_list"
,"order_item_id": 0 // 0 or blank for all servers
Server list response example
"servers": [
"id": NNNN
, "name": "my.server.com"
, "cpu": 1
, "memory": 512
, "is_running": 1
, "customer_id": NNNN
, "order_item_id": NNNN
, "networks": [
"id": NNNN
, "ifindex": 0
, "name": "Segmentname1"
, "ipv4": ""
, "ipv6": "fec0::fec0"
, "storages": [
"id": NNN
, "lun": 0
, "name": "NVM SSD"
, "size": 20000
Status codes
- 9xx - order is cancelled
- 2xx - pending creation
- 1xx - payment required or processing. Go to billing menu to view invoices
- 0 - order is fully completed
Customer_id refers to your my.klikk profile. A profile can have many billing addresses. In some setups it is also possible to have multiple profiles.